The Cseres Cross
"Christ and the village" stands on the bottom of the woodden cross which stands at the crossroad between Alsópetény, Keszeg and Nézsa. It was erected in 1938 to commemorate to the 34th Eucharistic Year, by József (Joseph) Laluja and his wife.
The cross lived and survived war and the hardship of past times. However, its wood, sheet metal cover and pedestal could not stand the ravages of time any longer.
With the help of god-willing people it was possible to change the cross, its sheet metal cover, to repair the pedestal and tidy its surroundings.
The renovation was done and supported by the following residents:
László Szigetvári
László Kovács
István Helembai
Tamás Piszár
Pál Fehér
Gábor Klúcsik
Imréné Vastag and family.
The cross used to be a destination of pilgrimages on special occasions. Nowadays it is not a rere scene to see new flowers there or freshly cut grass around it.